Create Muscle Memory for Productive Daily Routines

sets the tone for the rest of the day
makes the entire room look tidy
if your pet gets on the bed during the day, add a throw blanket for them to lay on - it's easier to toss into the laundry
helps create a nighttime ritual of 'turning down the bed' to signal sleep

keep things simple and don't spread yourself too thin
start with 3-5 tasks
make one simple task (ex: change sheets on bed, make 5 folders for emails)
highlight 1 item as priority
cross off completed items - this promotes a feeling of accomplishment and helps establish the 'list' routine

sort mail near recycling bin
separate into categories: Action/To Pay, Recycle, Shred
put action & shred into marked bins or baskets to separate (shredding is a great task for 'to do' list)
write action step on small colored post it notes and attach to paper
collect catalogs to unsubscribe (this is another great project for 'to do' list)
there is no right or wrong way to journal - forget perfection
don't make it sound good - self consciousness is the enemy of writing
relieves stress & provides clarity
keeps memory sharp
helps set & achieve goals
Journal ideas: goal setting - positive self talk - dump for days stress - ideas for work, vacation, play - food journal - dreams - self reflection - gratitude - diary of the days events
have fun - you can add several elements - you don't need to choose just one
•TIP: add a stylish open top container for dirty clothes in your bedroom - toss them in as they come off
“Strive for progress not perfection” Unknown
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